Friday, March 9, 2007

Thank you girls for the posts, I guess I am falling behind a bit with the posts. Well I am going to get on the go now. lol. Good Luck with the rest of the course: photostory etc..Later on!! I am sure taht will be fun!


Leah said...

Hi Krista! Thanks for posting on my blog! I REALLY like the format and the colors on your blog page! I am getting my photostory on the go today and I hope I don't run into any serious difficulties!!:P ..Good luck with the rest of the semester!(what's left of it heeheee)
Misssis B

Anonymous said...

Hi Krista!
Well I know if I were a student of yours I would be really excited. I love the winter, its probably my favorite season when I'm home in Labrador. Keep up the great work and good luck on the photo story!

Ms. Barney